Week 9 - 10: General Assembly – WDI SF

01 December 2013

What a whirlwind of week 9 and 10. Week 9 was mostly about JavaScript and Backbone.js. I ended up focusing on JavaScript because I enjoy front-end work and wished to practice making Ajax requests and making one-page apps. Two end products included a web app that allow users to look up movies and save favorite movies and a simple to-do app.

http://moviepop.herokuapp.com/ and simple-list.herokuapp.com

[gallery type="square" ids="418,419"]

The simple apps are both one-page apps, sans the log-in page, which was tricky to make into a one page thing. On a weekend I'd like to pimp these apps out with more functionality, but right now I want to focus on really understanding and internalizing the languages.

Week 1o was cut short due to Thanksgiving. I create a simple one-page app that allowed users to keep track of tech jobs - if they have to followup, have a phone interview, or if they have an in-person interview. Unfortunately, I couldn't get to deploy it on Heroku because I can't have more than 5 apps on my free account and I didn't want to delete anything just yet.

Happy Thanksgiving!