Wordpress to Jekyll Blog

04 July 2015

So you’ve got a github personal website @ yourname.github.io and now you want to port over your wordpress.com blog over. Follow through so checkout what I did. The downside to this way of importing is that it doesn’t include a way to import image assets.

1. Install Jekyll

A. Install Jekyll Gem

Jekyll uses Ruby so you’ll have to install the gem: gem install jekyll

B. Troubleshoot

You try to install the Jekyll gem but you get the errors:

ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don’t have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.

Run sudo gem install jekyll to force that shit. And since you’re sudo-ing this command you will need to input your password.

C. Create Blog

jekyll new bloggity This will create a ‘bloggity’ directory.

2. Port Over Wordpress.com Content

A. Export XML from Wordpress.com

Go to https://[your-blog-name].wordpress.com/wp-admin/export.php?type=export to download your XML file. Once you’re downloaded the XML file move it to your bloggity directory.

B. Start Importing Content

Run the following command ruby -rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import"; JekyllImport::Importers::WordpressDotCom.run({ "source" => "./[your-blog-name.wordpress.xxx-xx-xx].xml" })' This use the Hpricot gem to parse through the HTML content of your blog. NOTE: Hpricot is no longer maintained.

You may get an error about Hpricot so you will need to gem install hpricot or sudo gem install hpricot.

C. Check out your blog

Run the command jekyll serve --watch while you’re in your bloggity folder and your blog will serve up on localhost:4000

3. Restructure Your Github Pages

A. Move blog out to main directory

So now, you’re thinking: Cool, now I have my blog in some other folder inside my github page. I want to have a static index.html and I want to link off to '/blog' to go to my blog. Let’s restructure some shit.

If you cd ../ out into the main directory your bloggity folder structure should only contain the nested folder bloggity.

Move all the contents of bloggity out up into the main directory so that the folder structure looks like the following (you will then have an empty bloggity folder):

_attachments/     _site/
_config.yml       about.md
_includes/        assets/
_layouts/       bloggity
_nav_menu_items/    [your-blog-name.wordpress.xxx-xx-xx].xml
_pages/         css/
_posts/         feed.xml
_sass/          index.html

B. Move index.html inside bloggity folder with mv index.html bloggity/index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    Hi, checkout mah blog @ <a href="bloggity/">here</a>.

C. Create your static index.html page in the main folder

D. Check out http://localhost:4000/ and your blog at http://localhost:4000/bloggity/

Some Jekyll Shortcuts

Start server with console updates: jekyll serve --watch

Create a post: rake post title="Wazzap"

Create a page: rake page name="pages/about.md" or rake page name="pages/about" - this will create the file: ./pages/about/index.html

Publish: git add . git commit -m "Add new content" git push origin master