Tech Vocab

13 September 2013


  • Clients are computers that are indirectly connected to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider ("ISP").


  • A server is a special computer connected directly to the Internet.


  • A browser is a software suite that is used to interpret webpages, images, videos, etc...

IP Address

  • An IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) is a set of numbers, much like a phone number or postal number, that helps computers find each other. We end up giving them names, or domains.


  • A DNS, or Domain Name System, a network/internet service that translates domain names into IP Addresses.

Front End

  • Front End Developing is development that focuses on user interfaces. The languages involved for this type of development includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Back End

  • Back End Developing in development that focuses on the server side of programs. The languages involved for this type of development includes Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, Python, and more,


  • A database is a collection of information that is organized in such a way that allows for fast retrieval.