
  • Get Up and Running with Node, Express, and Heroku

    1. Initialize your node project npm init name: [name-of-your-project] version: [0.0.0] description: [a-description-here] entry point: (server.js) *this is auto-populate test command: [-] git repository: keywords: author: license: (ISC) A package.json document will be created and you should get something similar to the following: { "name": "playgroundone", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "playground...

  • Wordpress to Jekyll Blog

    So you’ve got a github personal website @ and now you want to port over your blog over. Follow through so checkout what I did. The downside to this way of importing is that it doesn’t include a way to import image assets. 1. Install Jekyll A. Install...

  • 6 Months After General Assembly's WDI Program

    It's been 6 months (it's really been 9 because I was lazy and forgot to post this 3 months ago!) since I completed General Assembly's WDI program and I've been successfully employed as a UI Developer for 4 months now. I've been primarily working on AngularJS projects. How Did I...

  • Deploying Sinatra to Heroku

    Hosting Rails app on Heroku is pretty straightforward - minus the preasset compiling issues you get with using Bootstrap and etc. However, recently I began revisiting my Sinatra apps. I haven't put any of them up on Heroku but now I want to because I'm interested in creating smaller web...

  • Git Branching

    Branching is great if you want to control what gets deployed. In this post I've attempted to illustrate the basics of branching. So here are some awesome flow charts and git commands. Next post will most likely be on Merging!

  • Pimp Your Bash

    Open your .bash_profile or .bashrc file by doing the following: cd subl .bash_profile subl $HOME/.bashrc Add this either in your .bash_profile or .bashrc file: parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ ()/' } export PS1="\[$(tput bold;tput setaf 6)\]\W\[33[32m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[33[00m\] \[$(tput bold;tput setaf 6)\]➜ \[$(tput sgr0;tput...

  • Reflection on General Assembly's WDI Program

    So, life after college General Assembly's Web Development Immersive program. It's a heart breaker in the sense that I've learned so much but yet so little. Things that I wish I covered/focused on Tests Tests Tests. During the three months I hardly focused on testing. Rspec was something that was...

  • Code School: JavaScript Part 2 (2.2 A Basic Conditional)

    var num = 10; while(num>0){ if (num%2 === 0){ console.log(num); } num--; }

  • Code School: JavaScript Part 2 (2.7 Problem Solving with Conditionals)

    var numSheep = 4; var monthsToPrint = 12; for (var monthNumber = 1; monthNumber <= monthsToPrint; monthNumber++) { if (monthNumber % 4 === 0){ reduced = numSheep * .75; numSheep = numSheep - reduced; console.log("Removing " + reduced + " sheep from the population. Phew!"); } else if (numSheep >...

  • Code School: JavaScript Part 2 (1.7 These Dam Loops)

    var currentGen = 1; var totalGen = 19; var totalMW = 0; while (currentGen <= 4) { var megaWatts = 62; var totalMW = totalMW + megaWatts; console.log("Generator #" + currentGen + " is on, adding " + megaWatts + " MW, for a total of " + totalMW +...

  • Code School: JavaScript Part 2 (2.3 Using Boolean Flags in Conditionals)

    var parkIsOpen = true; if (parkIsOpen === true) { console.log("Welcome to the Badlands National Park! Try to enjoy your stay."); } else { console.log("Sorry, the Badlands are particularly bad today. We're closed!") }

  • Code School: JavaScript Part 2 (2.5 Problem Solving with Conditionals)

    var numSheep = 4; var monthsToPrint = 12; for(var monthNumber = 1; monthNumber <= monthsToPrint; monthNumber++) { if (numSheep > 10000) { numSheep = numSheep / 2; console.log("Removing " + numSheep + " sheep from the population. Phew!"); } numSheep = numSheep * 4; console.log("There will be " + numSheep...

  • Presentation

    [gallery type="square" ids="455,456,457"]

  • Week 11 – 12: General Assembly – WDI SF

    This is my last week in General Assembly's WDI program in SF. It's been fantastic. I've kind of dropped the ball here and there with posting because it's been hectic for me. For the longest time I've kind of headed towards NOT using Bootstrap. However, for my final project in...

  • Recursive Ruby – Fibonacci

    def fibo(num) if num < 2 num else fibo(num-1) + fibo(num-2) end endfibo(7) //=>13

  • Recursive Ruby - Factorials

    def factorial(n) if n == 0 1 else n * factorial(n - 1) end end factorial(5) //=> 120

  • Week 9 - 10: General Assembly – WDI SF

    What a whirlwind of week 9 and 10. Week 9 was mostly about JavaScript and Backbone.js. I ended up focusing on JavaScript because I enjoy front-end work and wished to practice making Ajax requests and making one-page apps. Two end products included a web app that allow users to look up...

  • Week 8: General Assembly – WDI SF

    This week was devoted to project number 2, and this time it was a group effort. We started thinking about our project last week on Friday. However, all of out ideas were conflicting. Somebody wanted to create a task management application, another wanted to create a viral blog-type application, and...

  • Week 7: General Assembly – WDI SF

    Its been a week over the halfway mark for the Web Development Immersive program and hell, it's been a difficult ride for me. Week 6 was a stumbler in the sense that I had a difficult time recovering from the first project. Right after the project the students were firehosed...

  • Week 6: General Assembly – WDI SF

    It was Halloween at the office. What can I say? [gallery type="square" ids="384,383,382"]

  • Week 5: General Assembly – WDI SF

    I definitely dropped the ball last weekend and forgot to write a blog post about my first project. Project #1 Solo Ruby on Rails project Used APIs and Gems Created multiple/associated models Incorporated user authentication Website: [gallery type="square" ids="364,366,365"] My first project revolved around the notion of Behavioral Economics/Finance. Initially, I...

  • Week 4: General Assembly - WDI SF (Yammer)

    This week was kicked off with a visit to Yammer. Their engineers spoke to us about their backgrounds, how they got into programming, and their day-to-day schedules. It was fantastic to learn that a large percentage of Yammer's engineers did not come from a traditional Computer Science background. The engineers...

  • Week 3: General Assembly – WDI SF (The "Long" Weekend)

    Week three was all about databases and Ruby on Rails. We delved into Rails after creating apps with Sinatra, and I'd have to say that Sinatra is extremely light in comparison to Rails. The process of generating your model(s) and your controller(s) with Rails is like magic. However, keeping track...

  • Week 2.25: General Assembly – WDI SF

    On Tuesday I created a "To Do List" web application. I designed it such that it is responsive to the size of the screen that the application is in. The app was called "Operation Get Shit Done". It was built via HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, and Sinatra. When you add...

  • Week 2: General Assembly – WDI SF

    Cue in Beyonce's song "Sweet Dreams" ( because I'm dreaming about my code. Just recently (as in last night), I found myself recovering from downing too many shots and waking up thinking about an app that I created in class. I realized that I didn't write anything to validate the...

  • Week 1: General Assembly - WDI SF

    I just completed my first week of General Assembly's Web Development Immersive program and I feel like I've been sitting with my classmates for months! Where to start? About General Assembly WDI General Assembly's Web Development Immersive ("WDI") program is a 3-month coding program. One learns Ruby, Ruby on Rails,...


    class Game attr_accessor :name, :year, :system attr_reader :created_at def initialize(name, options={}) @name = name @year = options[:year] @system = options[:system] @created_at = end end


    def describe_favorites( * games) for game in games puts "Favorite Game: #{game}" end end describe_favorites('Mario', 'Contra', 'Metroid') //==> Favorite Game: Mario //==> Favorite Game: Contra //==> Favorite Game: Metroid

  • San Fran Living

    I've been living in San Francisco for about 21 days so far and I like it. The neighborhoods are rich with culture and very vibrant. What I find even more enthralling is the overall jovial demeanor of the people. Perhaps it's because I've been encountering individuals outside of the Financial...

  • Tech Vocab

    Client Clients are computers that are indirectly connected to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider ("ISP"). Server A server is a special computer connected directly to the Internet. Browser A browser is a software suite that is used to interpret webpages, images, videos, etc... IP Address An IP Address...

  • Interwebz, How You Doin' That?

    What happens when you go to a website? Interesting question. One would suppose that unicorn rainbow farts and fireworks happens inside your computer and then the website appears. Then, more satanic dark things happen when you decide to go to and search something. Unfortunately, more simpler things happen. First...

  • Letter Changes

    Using the JavaScript language, have the function LetterChanges(str) take the str parameter being passed and modify it using the following algorithm. Replace every letter in the string with the letter following it in the alphabet (ie. c becomes d, z becomes a). Then capitalize every vowel in this new string...

  • Longest Word

    Initial Though Process: Split the string into a new array Loop the new array and find the length of each element Create an if statement that returns the longest element However, I kept on getting lost between step 2 and three. I had set up the if statement, but I...

  • First Factorial

    function myFactorial(input) { if (input === 0) { return (1); } else { return (input * myFactorial(input - 1)); } }; myFactorial(4);     //24

  • Substring, Substr, Slice

    Alright JavaScript, why must you have 3 methods that perform similar if not the same thing? Substring Substr Slice This guys does a pretty good job at explaining the nuances of each method:

  • Southeast Asian Water Festival

    I attended the Annual Southeast Asian Water festival with the mom. It has been a while since I've gone to the festival and I figured that I might as well go since it might be my last. Also, I was trying to do everything in my power to delay telling...

  • Last Day of Work in Boston

    Today is officially my last day at BII. I'm ready for something new. I have no idea what San Francisco holds for me, but all I know is that relocating from Boston to San Francisco with no concrete plan and a few quarters in my pocket is a huge risk...

  • First Reverse

    var myString = "I will tell you that my name is Smith."; function myFunction(input) { x = input.split(""); y = x.reverse(); return (y.join("")); } console.log (myFunction(myString)); Explanation: You cannot simply reverse a string by implementing the reverse() method as if it were an array. You must split each letter and space in...

  • Work and the Stress

    I’m excited to be finishing up with my job this week as I will have free time to devote to studying before I move myself across the country. As of right now, I find it extremely difficult to allocate some time to devote to my personal project because of everyday...

  • Hello World!

    Hi Y’all, I just registered a domain in pursuit of starting my portfolio. When I registered the domain and began writing my website, I began to get nervous about my time constraints. Right now I’m following an individual who is creating a JavaScript website every day. It’s crazy and fantastic....

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